Increase Conversion Rates and Decrease Abandoned Carts with Shopify and Airship

Kaitlyn Hogue Director of Product Marketing

According to Forrester, twelve percent of retailers reported that their online shopping cart abandonment rate had increased in the past 12 months; another 60% said it stayed flat. With consumers shopping around more than ever before, driving conversion has become an even more essential part of eCommerce strategy.  eCommerce websites need to make sure they are personalizing communications to abandoned cart shoppers to increase their conversion rates.

That’s why Airship is excited to announce a new integration with Shopify! Brands who use Shopify to host their eCommerce sites can now use the power of Airship web notifications, email and SMS. By sending personalized and targeted messages based on real-time Shopify shopper data, sellers can dramatically increase conversion rates and decrease abandoned carts.

Here are just a few of the ways you can use this new integration to meet your conversion goals:

Increase Retention with Real-Time Segmentation

Every moment a customer interacts with your site or completes a purchase-related event is an opportunity to engage them further and provide them with real-time information they need. Shopify users can now send these events, such as cart created, purchase completed or order fulfilled, from Shopify to Airship to trigger and target web notifications, email, SMS, including Live SMS Chat for real-time sales and support conversations, such as answering product questions or helping with shipping issues!

Make Every Message More Engaging with Dynamic Personalization

Making each message personalized for your customer is one of the most important parts of engaging and retaining customers. By using Shopify shopper data sent to Airship, brands can personalize each message with the relevant item information, such as what the customer left in their carts or what their order number is, helping to reduce abandoned carts and increase ROI.

Integrate Shopify into Your Cross-Channel Campaigns

Airship Journeys is unique in its goal-based and data-driven approach. By setting end goals such as purchase or abandoned cart reduction, marketers can track how every Journey (and every message within that Journey) impacts that goal and optimize them accordingly. 

Brands can now integrate the personalized web notifications, email and SMS triggered by Shopify events into these cross-channel Airship Journeys, coordinating them across channels to create an end-to-end experience delivered on the channels that make the most sense for every customer. You can then see the direct impact of the messages on your conversion goals and optimize when and how your notifications are sent.

Use Shopify shopper data to deliver real-time and personalized abandoned cart, shipping confirmation or promotional cross-channel campaigns on Airship

As always, we want to help you meet your messaging goals and deliver customer experiences that create loyalty. Contact us today and let us know how we can help

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