Take the Traditional Wedding Digital: Mobile Wallet Makes it Easy

Emily Hottal Senior Product Manager
Innovative use cases for mobile wallet series, post 5 of 5.
In recent years, the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement has really taken hold. According to Statista, the industry is expected to soar to $43 billion dollars globally by 2018. It’s no surprise that the wedding industry has also seen this phenomenon impact its business, with customers wanting to create their own online wedding announcements, RSVPs, landing pages, crowdfunded wedding registries and more.
Those companies who can seamlessly blend both the traditional wedding needs with the DIY cost-conscious consumer are poised to win the wedding marketplace.
Digital Brings Costs Down
With costs averaging over $26,000 for a wedding in the US, couples are frequently looking for ways to save. Some of the easiest things to do yourself include wedding printouts, such as save-the-date announcements, invitations and programs. However, even with these cost-cutting measures, there are still hefty fees for printing, materials and postage. This doesn’t even account for time spent researching, talking to vendors, and managing all these elements.
If a couple really wants to save time and cut costs, it is time to go digital. We’ll go through an example of just how a mobile wallet option can reduce time, cost, paper and headaches — all while making your wedding an interactive experience on a whole new level.
Open a Line of Communication with Guests
As mentioned, save-the-date notices are a popular DIY item. But it’s a one and done — you send it and the next communication usually occurs within the invitation. But by creating a digital version, couples can help set the tone for a modern wedding by creating a living resource for the event. Using an e-invitation service, the couple can send a personalized email to their guests containing a link to download a mobile wallet pass announcement to their Apple or Android device. All guests need to do is tap the button and, voila, they have added the mobile wallet item onto their smartphones.
Once the pass has been downloaded, the couple can update their guests’ passes with news and reminders as the date approaches. For instance, reminders to RSVP, book hotel rooms, or attend a new group activity ahead of the event can be sent so that a notification displays on the guests’ phone.
As the wedding approaches, those who declined attending can delete their pass, or the couple can target only those who plan on attending for further updates.
For the big day, the pass can be updated with the wedding program on the back, directions to the venue(s), or other critical information. Since grandma may not be as technologically savvy as some of the other guests, paper programs can still be handed out to only those who need them, reducing both costs and the number of printed copies.
As an added touch after the wedding, the couple can send out a “Thank You” notification and update the pass with one of their favorite wedding photos.
Make Personalizing Weddings Easier
By going digital with a wedding, couples have a less expensive means of communicating and helping their guests stay up to date on the day-of. Whether you are a wedding vendor or a couple, think about how you can incorporate more digital items like mobile wallet to help you communicate, keep track of all the moving parts, and ultimately deliver an unforgettable experience.
The ways to reach your audience on mobile are endless using mobile wallets: a business card, a movie pass, a punchcard, an omni-channel store pickup solution, a wedding announcement, etc. All of this can be accomplished without using an app!
Learn more about mobile wallets here and download our Mobile Wallet Inspiration Guide to see how you or your business could potentially leverage mobile wallets.
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