Best Practices 7 In App Message Center Best Practices Erin Hintz January 04, 2017 Give your mobile messaging a longer shelf life — and create a better app user experience — with these 7 best practices for your app’s message center.
Best Practices In App Marketing FAQs: How to Deliver Real-Time, Personalized Mobile Engagement Inside Your App Diana Laboy Rush December 30, 2016 In app marketing delivers real-time, personalized in-the-moment messages to your most loyal customers, your app users. Get the scoop with answers to FAQs.
Best Practices How to Update a Mobile Wallet Pass — and Engage 100% of Your Mobile Audience Judy Chan Gatlin Hebert December 20, 2016 Connect with your customers on mobile – with or without an app – by sending customized, trigger notifications about updates to a mobile wallet pass.
Best Practices Push Notification Strategy in iOS 10: How To Leverage Updateable Notifications Ben Reubenstein December 06, 2016 Delight users and increase mobile engagement with updatable push notifications in iOS 10: a use case to inspire ideas for creating a better user experience.
Airship News & Updates How Urban Airship Scaled To 2.5 Billion Notifications During The U.S. Election Corey Gault December 01, 2016 See how we scaled to 2.5 billion mobile notifications during the U.S. election. (Yes, that’s billion. With a b.)
Best Practices Our Cyber Week Data Analysis Reveals 3 Mobile Growth Trends for Retail Apps Sarah MacDonald November 29, 2016 Our Cyber Week data shows new mobile marketing and mobile growth trends for retail brands. Get up to speed on the latest stats and strategies.
Analytics & Data Get Smart About Your Mobile Notifications Strategy to Avoid “Tune Out” Brad Gagne November 21, 2016 How effective is your mobile notifications strategy? How do you know? Learn which KPIs to track and more from Brad Gagne, VP analytics, POSSIBLE Mobile.
Airship News & Updates Urban Airship, POLITICO Europe & DigitasLBI Win Effective Mobile Marketing Award Sarah MacDonald November 18, 2016 Our innovative mobile wallet campaign with POLITICO and DigitasLBI scores Mobile Marketing Magazine’s “Most Effective Publisher Offering” award.
Airship News & Updates Publishers Can Now Create and Send Apple News App Push Notifications Using Urban Airship’s Engage Composer Diana Laboy Rush and Meghan Suslak November 17, 2016 Urban Airship is proud to be the first to offer third-party support for Apple News app push notifications. Learn more.