Open Channels BETA

Sign up now to participate in the Open Channels beta program (the “Beta Service”)

Name of Beta Service: Open Channels

With this Beta Service, you will gain access to new Urban Airship APIs and documentation for integrating new messaging channels within Urban Airship, for use with core services.

Term of Beta Service: Starts on the day that we enable the Beta Service, and terminates as set forth in Section 3 of the Urban Airship Beta Service Terms and Conditions (“beta program terms”).

Costs or charges for access and use of the Beta Service: During the term of the Beta Service, there is no charge for your use of the Beta Service. However, you will continue to be charged for any other Urban Airship products or services you use either separately or in conjunction with the Beta Service.

Additional Terms and Conditions: Urban Airship may change the Beta Service during and after the term of the Beta Service. Consequently, the functionality, features, and documentation for the Beta Service may change before the Beta Service or the Beta Service is made generally available (if at all).