Stop Watching Traditional Marketing Channels Get Less and Less Effective

Cindy Davis, Board Member at Airship

In this week’s episode, host Tom Butta sits down with Cindy Davis, an independent Board Member at Airship, to discuss how there is still time to prepare for the future of marketing channels if you start today. Otherwise, your brand might wake up in five years without any real way to engage your customers.

Formerly an EVP at Walmart, Disney, L Brands and Chief Brand Officer at Bed Bath & Beyond, Cindy is she’s an experienced executive with a demonstrated history of driving results across the retail, hospitality and entertainment industries by building strong brands and customer relationships. 

Tom asks why Cindy decided to join the Airship Board of Directors in September of 2022, and what advice she has for other women out there looking to serve on a board themselves one day. Additionally, you’ll hear key data regarding mobile retention numbers (hint: the average might be lower than you expect), what opportunities we now have post-2020, and Cindy’s thoughts on who internally should really be responsible for the mobile app.