How App User Behaviors are Changing

Driven by privacy regulations and user controls from Apple and Android, consumers are becoming more selective about the information they provide to brands and how, when and where they want to interact.
Watch the Business of Apps webinar to hear Airship’s Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, Thomas Butta, reveal insights from Airship’s latest global consumer survey report, “The Mobile Customer Imperative.”
Findings from more than 9,000 global respondents show that apps are fast becoming consumers’ preferred destination for a transparent and functional value exchange with brands, including preferences for how they wish to gain greater value from their mobile app experiences.
Watch this webinar to find out:
- The reasons consumers opt in or out of brand communications
- Consumer preferences for the timing and frequency of receiving brand messages
- The personal information consumers are willing to share with brands, and for what reasons
- Why and how consumers are increasingly ignoring emails from brands
- Consumer demand to integrate digital and physical experiences